On Friday last week we made candyfloss. We made this in our class. The first thing we did was, taking the machine out of the box. Then we added a full spoon of sugar. After that, we have to wait a very long time. Then we saw spider webs coming out of the machine. We rolled a stick inside the machine to collect the candyfloss. It was really fun to make it and it was so yummy.
We had a lot of fun with this activity Mina, you were a natural making candy floss and I must say you and I really enjoyed eating it. Val
Val, thank you for doing this in the class with us. You are an awesome teacher.
Hello Mina, thank you for making me feel great. You are an awesome student.
from Val
Hi Val its Allan did you save any for me and Anthony
Hi Mina .
It was nice to read how you made candy floss. I hope you liked the taste.I also love candy floss
Hello Allan, so good to hear from you. If you visit our class one-day my lovely students will make you one. Hope you are well. from Val,
Hi there Val that candyfloss sounds nice and yummy by the way feel free to make me some
Hi Maria
yes, i I liked the taste of it and it was fun to make it.
Hey Val its your old student Allan from Howick Primary. I really do miss those mams that you used to share with me and the class. Thank for all the free time that you used to give me in class. I really enjoyed that. Also i really liked making those cards for your memory box Allan
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